Simply One Tab

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Simply One Tab

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Closes and lists your recent tabs is one page

This extension was created out of frustration with OneTab. That extension clogs one tab with links from much time ago and there was no way to remove the oldest entries. This extension tries to do the same as OneTab and the functionality is basically the same.
Click the button on the extension it will close all your tabs and opens a new pinned tab with a list of the closed recent tabs. Differently from OneTab it maintains two lists: the last closed tabs and an "overall" list that collects stored tabs. Both lists don't have duplicates in them. The links from the first list can be moved to the second.
It's possible to search in the "overall" links list.


* 1.0.1 - added checkbox to toggle favicons for history items, added remote sync of last tabs group
* 0.3.0 - Removed jQuery from dependencies; enabled dark mode
* 0.2.2 - When clicking the extension button, the latter tabs group is automatically merged with the overall list, and a new last tab links list is created
* 0.2 - Two separate lists of links: one for the last tabs and
* 0.0.1 - First version. Basic functionality: collects closed tabs on the extension page.