Refresh Page - Auto reload page

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Refresh Page - Auto reload page

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Refresh Inc.

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Automatically page reload after any number of seconds. Works for all pages. Refresh tab on demand.

Small and easy to use chrome extension that auto reloads a list of URLs according to your settings.
Reloads web pages after any number of seconds.

* Renew pages after a set number of seconds.
* Set different delays per page or tab.
* Remembers your settings per page.
* Does not track you

Finally a page renew that works. Reload any page with just a few clicks. Page refresh works on any website.
Auto-renew (auto-reload) your idle pages on a selected interval.

Are there times when you want a page(tab) in your browser to auto-update? Do want your page/tab content to be always updated. Now that is easy - Page-refresh will reload your pages and tabs for you. It is very easy and super simple - just set the time interval that you want to auto refresh your pages or tabs and the Page-renew extension will auto reload the pages.

The best thing about this page renovate extension is that there is no setup required - it is easy and simple to use, install it and let your idle pages be auto reloaded. Just choose the time you want Page-refresh will do its magic.

If what you want an extension that automatically reloads and refreshes web pages in the simplest way, this is what you need.

Simply enter the number of seconds between reloads and click Start. You can specify different settings per tab. Preferences are saved per web page URL. The countdown pauses while typing. To stop refreshing the tab, just click Stop.


Miles Lin
Miles Lin

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, overall it's not bad. But unfortunately the developer didn't keep iterating, and the extension will be taken down soon. I'm glad that a friend has developed a new alternative version:

Bartosz Glen
Bartosz Glen

żaden wirus, bzdury, prosty kod js

Arif Khan
Arif Khan

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