Zacks Research Window

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Zacks Research Window

142 users


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Find and view stock analyst reports on the websites of your investment institutions.

Get industry-leading stock reports by financial market experts right on your desktop with Zacks Research Window for free.

Whether you're analyzing companies currently in your portfolio or seeking to expand your holdings, Research Window has all the investment research reports you need to make your money work for you. Our research. Your success.

With Research Window installed in your browser, you can search for available investment research reports from any publicly traded company on the U.S. markets.

1. Just enter a company's ticker symbol
2. Then click Search Reports
3. View all the reports in one easy-to-read tab — reports are free

You no longer have to log in to multiple investment institutions to find the info you need about the companies you’re interested in. Get investment research reports for free from Zacks and other research services right in your browser window.

Frequently asked questions

What’s with the Chrome extension permissions? Here’s what’s what:

Read and change all your data on websites?
• This sounds like a lot, but it means that it only changes the data on the Zacks Research Window extension regarding the sources from which you pull investment reports. This is how you’re able to see current reports with Zacks Research Window.

Know your email address?
• Using Zacks Research Window requires all users to sign up with their email addresses. Zacks and Research Window do not store your login credentials or account information for any of your investment institutions.

*Research Window is a Chrome plug-in, meaning it is stored on your computer, not on the internet. Research Window is as safe as your own browser usage. Zacks and Research Window do not store your login credentials or account information for any of your investment institutions.