View, delete and search browsing history data
: on search input, removes the search input text.
-: on item, remove the item.
-+ : on item, remove the complete day range.
-+ : on item, opens the item in a contrary way of the configurations.
-+ : on item, opens the item in a contrary way of the configurations.
-+ : on item, opens the item in a new windows.
-+ : on item, opens the item in a new windows.
-+ : close any kind of modal.
-: open or close the "more modal" .
-: open or close the "keyboard modal".
Search by date:
This feature allows you to start your search from a specific date, including that date and all previous records. It’s like saying, "search from this date to the past". We cannot search the future, so if it’s a "relative date query" we search in the past. However, if it’s a "strict date query" set beyond the current date, it will be considered an "invalid date query".
Everything that does not follow the queries listed below is invalid.
Search query:
- `yesterday` or `y`
- week days: If a week day is beyond the current date, it returns that day from the previous week.
`mo` `tu` `we` `th` `fr` `sa` `su`
`monday` `tuesday` `wednesday` `thursday` `friday` `saturday` `sunday`
- month names: If the month is beyond the current date, it returns that month from the previous year.
`Jan` `Feb` `Mar` `Apr` `May` `Jun` `Jul` `Aug` `Sep` `Oct` `Nov` `Dec`
`January` `February` `March` `April` `May` `June` `July` `August` `September` `October` `November` `December`
- partial date expressions: If the date is beyond the current date, it returns that date form the previous year.
`` ` `
"2 Aug", "Feb 22", "3 October"
- full date expressions: This is an "strict date query". If the date is beyond the current date, it will be considered "invalid".
`` ` `
"2 Aug 2023", "Feb 22 2021", "3 October 2021"
- "date calculation expressions": This expression calc how many days, weeks, months or years to search from the current date to the pass. The `-` (negative sign) is required at beginnig. If no `period` is specified, the default is `day`.
`-` `- `
- `d` `day` `days` (values: 1..730)
- `w` `week` `weeks` (values: 1..240)
- `m` `month` `months` (values: 1..120)
- `y` `year` `years` (values: 1..10)
"-1", "-3 m", "-1 year", "-5 weeks"
The icons used in the extension are from Feather Icons ( and Lucide Icons (
The inspiration of this extension comes from the Edge Browser history extension (
Last Update: v0.4.1
- New feature:
- Search by date
- Hide search bar
- Adds about button (go to the github repository)
- Refactor some code
The Jade Authors
Abdul Samad Ansari
Checker - The Fact Check Extension
Devendra Singh Bhandari