Career Connect

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Career Connect

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3x your interview rate with personalized AI-crafted emails to company insiders.

Career Connect is a free job search extension that helps you send personalized AI-crafted emails to company insiders to 3x your interview rates. Career Connect works for all major job boards.

What it includes:

* Application tracker: Track every job application you submit with one click and review it later in your pipeline.
* Find company contacts: Find recruiter emails for all of your job applications from a comprehensive employer database.
* Generate messages with AI: Automatically craft custom emails to increase application responses and get more interviews.
* Send and track emails with one click: Save time sending emails to company insiders from your personal inbox without leaving the extension.

How it works:

1. Track the job application you just submitted with one click.
2. Career Connect will automatically find company insiders for you to choose from to reach out to, such as recruiters or hiring managers.
3. Once you select a contact to email, Career Connect will automatically write an email for you to send to the company insider, customized based on your resume and the job description.
4. Edit the email or use Career Connect to automatically generate a brand new email message to use.
5. Send the email to the company insider from your personal inbox with one-click without leaving Career Connect.
6. Go to your Career Connect pipeline to see all of your tracked applications and outreach.

Tip: We recommend using the Simplify extension to automate job applications. Simplify pairs great with Career Connect to optimize and automate your job search!

Wondering how to get application responses and how to get more interviews? Try Career Connect.


Pooya Parvari
Pooya Parvari

Career Connect is Fantastic. A huge thank you to team developing this. It's a game changer. I've only used the feature to find emails from LinkedIn profiles and it does a fantastic jobs. If you are looking to connect to people but find it difficult on LinkedIn or maybe you don't get responses at all, this is what you need. People check their emails every day but may not check their LinkedIn as often. Anyways fantastic extension, thank you team, keep it up!

Sarah Love
Sarah Love

Tracks applications plus find recruiters emails and In profiles! Amazing and very helpful.


This is what i was looking for.Great Job and a big thanks to the creators

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