Replace \ to / and add smb: for U : )
# News 2022.09.29
Thank you all again for supporting this non-profit tool, I am deeply sorry the extension has been shutdown due to the policy check. The extension has been updated and back just for you~
And as always, any commend is hearty welcome : )
# Detail about this app
Replace \ to / and add "smb:" to the front.
You can also reverse mac path to windows path.
Useful for mac users to transform between windows file path and mac path.
# Change log
v1.5 2022.09.29
1. Modify permission for Google regulation check
2. Layout change
v1.3, v1.4 2017.12.22
1. Add function: reverse mac path back to window path
v1.2 2017.8.8
2.add smb: ahead
v1.1 2017.8.8
remove shortcut tooltip (copied from template)
v1.0 2017.8.8
first ver