Improve UC Davis Schedule Builder with ✨color-coded search results✨ and ✨student-submitted ratings for each instructor✨
Red: Conflicts with your current schedule
Yellow: Class is full, but doesn't conflict
Green: Fits in your schedule
Blue: Already selected
- Click the icon next to the instructor's name to open RMP in a new tab
- Click Export to download the current schedule as an iCalendar file (.ics)
- To import the .ics file into Google Calendar, see
Useful Links:
- For all majors:
- For computer science majors:
0.6 (Jul 4, 2024)
- Updated ratings data
- Added Export button for summer sessions and 2024-2025
0.5.1 (May 10, 2024)
- Updated ratings data
0.5 (Jan 28, 2024)
- Updated ratings data