CodeToSpan for Translation

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CodeToSpan for Translation

160 users


dev Inui

Extension Information

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Supported Languages



Corrects translation errors in programming docs by replacing code tags with span tags, enhancing readability.

Target Users:
Programming learners, particularly those who need to read programming documentation in English but are not as proficient in English as their native language.

When learning programming, automatic translation of documents often encounters difficulties. This extension, by replacing code tags with span tags, corrects layout distortions and translation inaccuracies caused by web pages' code tags.

Therefore, when used in conjunction with general web page translation services, it simplifies the understanding of programming documentation pages.

When enabled, this extension automatically replaces code tags with span tags upon page load or changes, enhancing the quality of translation. (Note 1)

From the extension's popup, you can toggle the execution/stop of this feature. (Note 2)

Options Page:
In web pages with special notations, this extension might occasionally cause layout disruptions. Adjusting settings in the options page may help mitigate these issues.

Exceptionally, when using natural language AI for code generation, it is recommended to register exclusion domains. (Note 3)

This extension may potentially cause errors in the hydration process, as the rewriting of HTML leads to inconsistencies between the server-side and client-side HTML structures.

If you experience unresponsiveness in button clicks or links, disable the extension and reload the page.

Additional Notes:

1. After installing the extension or changing option settings, reloading the tab is required.
2. Toggling the Run/Stop will automatically reload the page.
3. Web pages that automatically add code tags (such as those using natural language generation AI) may experience reduced performance or instability.


Release notes: