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Transform Your Favourite Blogs, Articles, News, and Tweets to Engaging Micro-Content in Seconds. Save and Schedule in One Go!

ContentFeed helps you to transform interesting articles, blogs, and even saved ideas you find online into bite-sized, shareable content for your social media.

Just scan the content you like → select the type you want to transform into such as:
→ Tweets
→ Captions
→ Carousels or
→ Even manual input.

Choose the style such as:
→ Paragraphs
→ Bullets
→ News/Update
→ Spaces

And choose your AI- Open AI or Gemini.

Key Features:
👉 Effortless Content Creation: Scan any webpage and ContentFeed will instantly extract the content for you.
👉 AI-Powered: Use powerful Generative AI like Open AI or Gemini to craft captivating micro-content.
👉 Content Variety: Create tweets, captions, carousels, and even threads – all from a single source!- Style Your Way: Personalise your micro-content with different writing styles
👉 Choose from clean paragraphs, eye-catching bullet points, or posts bursting with personality thanks to emojis.
👉 Schedule and Go! Save your creations for later use or schedule them directly for posting on your social media accounts.

1) Is ContentFeed free?
Ans. ContentFeed is only available for BETA as of now.

2) Is ContentFeed safe to use?
Ans. Absolutely! Security and privacy are our main concern. None of your social media login details are saved by us.

3) Will ContentFeed steal my content?
Ans. Not at all! While ContentFeed assists users in finding ideas and producing micro-content, it does not engage in plagiarism. Remember: if such a need arises, you should always give credit where necessary by citing sources or providing links back to the original materials.

4) Can I use ContentFeed to schedule posts directly to my social media accounts?
Ans. Depending on your plan, yes! The free plan may offer limited scheduling options, while premium plans might offer direct scheduling to various social media platforms.

5) What kind of content can I create with ContentFeed?
Ans. ContentFeed lets you create a variety of social media content formats, including:
→ Tweets
→ Captions
→ Threads
→ Carousels

6) Does ContentFeed work on all websites?
ContentFeed works best on text-based websites like articles, blogs, and news sites. It will not extract as effectively on websites with heavy videos. ContentFeed keeps storing the website info where it can not extract the details and try to also add those website in newer version.