Hide Thumbnails, Shorts, and more on YouTube

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Hide Thumbnails, Shorts, and more on YouTube

343 users


Benjamin Floyd Rubin

Extension Information

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Enhance focus on YouTube by hiding distractions like thumbnails, shorts, irrelevant results, live chats, and recommendations.

**Extension Updated on September 1st, 2024**
You can now toggle shorts and thumbnails for specific pages. Example - turn off shorts on the home page, but keep them on the search page.

Experiencing any issues or want to request a new feature?
Let us know here: https://forms.gle/EwpoSyN54HzobyZD6

The Hider chrome extension allows you to:
1. Easily hide various page elements on YouTube while you browse (such as navigation bar, recommendations, sidebars, live chats and more)
2. Eliminate distractions and avoid mindlessly clicking through YouTube videos with click-baity thumbnails
3. Remove unnecessary search results when searching for videos (such as "People also watched", "For You" and more) that distract you from what you're actually searching for

You can toggle the following elements:
Home Page:
- Navigation bar
- Side bar
- All videos
- Shorts
- Thumbnails

Video Page:
- Navigation bar
- Video player
- Recommendations
- Title and Description
- Comments
- Thumbnails
- Live Chat

Search Results Page:
- Navigation bar
- Side bar
- All results
- Shorts
- Thumbnails
- Irrelevant Search Results ("People Also Watched", "For You" and more)

Benjamin Rubin


Javier Bilbao
Javier Bilbao

Hey Benjamin!! What a great extension. I feel like you put all the necessary things in one: - unhook - Youtube-shorts block - Hide Youtube thumbnails May I suggest to also have the channel page, as when you go to one (https://www.youtube.com/@veritasium) you still see all those thumbnails :) Thanks again!


我想要在頻道的搜尋鈕中呈現橫向排列顯示,因為直向顯示YT似乎會卡死。 I want a horizontal display in the channel's search button because YT seems to freeze when displayed vertically.

DanDan A
DanDan A

Get's rid of all dopamine. Great for self-improvement. Im happy :D

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