Yet Another Flags

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Yet Another Flags

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Shows country flag for the website near the location bar.

✨ If you want to see a precise location for a domain — country, city, state — displayed with a pixel-perfect country flag icon, try this one!

📝 Extension shows a country flag for the site opened in the current tab.
It also indicates the precise IP address, city, region, and country name in the icon hint and in the popup.

📍 Precision is achieved with Google's free DNS-over-HTTPS service.
Country, city, region and post code data is served by the backend that I run at 🔐

🥬 GeoLite2 database created by MaxMind available from is updated twice a week – on Tuesdays and Fridays, so backend always returns fresh locations.

💻 Geographical data is cached locally for a week, so minimal additional requests are made. You can always refresh the data in the popup.

🙅‍♀️ Extension does not collect any user data, nor does it track or identify users in any way. And never will. The same applies to the backend service.

🚩 Extension uses excellent "Flags of the World" icons by Mark James (of fame). Flags are ISO 3166 compliant, so please let me know if some country has the wrong flag displayed.

🟢 May 3, 2023
🌚 Dark mode support.

🟢 April 20, 2023
🆕 Display resolution 🕙 timestamp in the IP address hint in the popup. Hover the mouse cursor over the IP address and wait for the hint to appear.

🟢 April 17, 2023
🆕 Display loading and error states in the page action icon — no more guessing if the data is being loaded or resolution has failed — the icon provides visual feedback right away.

🟢 April 2, 2023
🆕 Support local DNS resolutions — flags are displayed much more accurately, considering user region.

🟢 February 3, 2023
🎉 Extension is back into active maintenance mode.

🟡 May 21–June 1, 2022
🚚 Hosting provider migrating to new cloud, backend downtime

🇺🇦 The extension includes a link to the Ukrainian non-profit SaveLife, they provide help with the war effort.
The link is not featured prominently, so it's not distracting — see if you can find it!