Send to Zapier

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Send to Zapier

523 users


Tab Manager Plus


Extension Information

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Export all text, images, titles and send to a Zapier webhook to trigger a zap.

Uploads the contents of the current page to Zapier.

This will send all links, image links and titles to a webhook zap that you have already configured.

Updates :

★ Version 1.0.3
- Option now to add page info to every found item
- Better height/width check for background images

★ Version 1.0.2
- Localisations added for German and Polish languages

★ Version 1.0.1
- You can add a comment now to be sent with the webhook
- You can now toggle links, image links and titles to be sent with your request

Please enjoy this free extension and rate it if you like it

Legal: This extension is not affiliated with Zapier in any kind or form. This extension does not store or transmit any data to 3rd party providers except the Zapier webhook url you provide.