SummChat-summary to chat by ChatGPT

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SummChat-summary to chat by ChatGPT

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Powered by ChatGPT, offers contextual chatting on a summary, with translation and continue functions.

SummChat is a powerful chrome extension that enhances your browsing experience by providing summarized insights and facilitating interactive conversations about the web content. With this extension, you can delve deep into the essence of web pages using ChatGPT, engage in dialogue, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the material. Additionally, it offers translation capabilities and quick access buttons to bridge language barriers and seamlessly continue conversations.


1. Context-Aware Dialogue: This extension retains previous information, ensuring seamless conversations without losing context. You can have meaningful exchanges and build upon previous interactions effortlessly.

2. Intelligent Long-Text Summaries: Designed to handle lengthy articles and text. It intelligently generates concise summaries, saving you time and effort when consuming information.

3. Customizable Prompts: Tailor the prompts to your preferences, enabling personalized summaries and translations. You can fine-tune the output to match your specific requirements and obtain summaries that align with your needs.

4. Translation Support: Break language barriers with the translation feature. This extension allows you to translate text into different languages, enabling effective communication and comprehension regardless of the original language of the webpage.

5. Quick Access Buttons: Conveniently switch on/off the translation and continuation buttons, granting you control over your browsing experience. Adjust the translation language and continuation prompt effortlessly, providing a seamless workflow.

Install SummChat to unlock the power of chat-based summarization, translation, and contextual dialogue. Enhance your web browsing by gaining comprehensive insights and effectively communicating across language boundaries.