Talk Web - Talk to any website

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Talk Web - Talk to any website

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Talk Web

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Talk Web let's you talk to and ask questions from any website. Quickly get important facts, summarize news, long documents etc

Talk to any webpage and get the summary and key takeaways.

💡 Saves time & gets the key points without the hassle! Go through more stuff in less about of time.

Very helpful for researchers, students, marketers, content creators and software engineers who have to go through tons of reading material everyday.

🌟 Use Cases
• Talk to any website based on the content. Get valuable insights from any website instantly
• Summarize large content in any way you want
• Get valuable insights from blog posts. Like finding out which stocks are performing better from a given article
• Get valuable insights from any research journal. Ask specific content related questions as well
• Go through the morning news faster. Read more in less time