Today View

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Today View

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A tiny browser extension to manage your Things "Today" items.

Today View is a tiny browser extension that lets you manage your daily Things 3 tasks in any chromium browser, even on non-Mac computers. Perfect for office PCs or situations where you can't install the Things app. Stay productive, no matter the platform!

How It Works:
This tool lets you effortlessly move your Today tasks from the Things app to your web browser. You can export your tasks as a file, make updates right there in the browser, and then import the updated data back into your Things app. To make it even easier, I've also made a nifty iOS shortcut that acts as your helpful companion for this whole process.

Download the companion iOS shortcut here:

What you can do:
- Export and Import your Today list from Things.
- Access your task from any computer’s browser that supports chrome extensions.
- Check off tasks from your Today list right in the browser.
- Update task notes as well.
- Sync your updates back to your Things app with just a few clicks.