Zulu - Bookmarks Reimagined

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Zulu - Bookmarks Reimagined

597 users



Extension Information

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Organise your tabs and bookmarks to upgrade your browsing experience and productivity!

Browser bookmarks and tabs slow you and your computer down. Upgrade your browsing experience with a visual, collaborative, cross-platform bookmark and tab manager :)

★ Benefits include:
➤ Stop wasting time finding that link from yesterday
➤ Organise your online browsing (where we spend a huge % of our lives :-|)
➤ Stop having too many tabs open so you can focus on the right task at the right time
➤ Easily share your content and research with friends and colleagues
➤ Vastly improve your browser's performance


➤ How it started...
Two designers were tired of the limited bookmark functionality in browsers. So we decided to improve the way we save content online and enable us to share it with co-workers and friends - Zulu!

Give us some encouragement with a 5 star review if Zulu has helped you!

➤ Send us feedback if you'd like Zulu to get better - we want that too :)
➤ Suggest and view our feature ideas and roadmap at: https://trello.com/b/c0Sy9XsY/zulu-feature-ideas-roadmap
➤ We're making improvements all the time to the site and the extension so please feel free to give us any feedback via the chat widget in the app or contact us at [email protected].

★ Shortcuts
- Use the shortcut Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + L to quickly add the current web page as a link on one of your Zulu boards.
- Use the shortcut Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + O to open your Zulu in a new tab.


Thanks and happy browsing! :)
Oana & DJ