Lanter YouTube Highlighter

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Lanter YouTube Highlighter

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Capture, highlight, and review insightful moments from YouTube videos.

Lanter: YouTube Highlighter is a Chrome extension built to enhance your YouTube experience by capturing, highlighting, and reviewing key moments from your favorite videos. Leveraging advanced AI and ML techniques, Lanter intelligently transcribed and formats the video into text, creating easily readable highlights.

With a simple click, you can bookmark crucial moments in a video, complete with punctuated and formatted text, making it a breeze to revisit and study important information later.


Effortless Text Capture: Instantly grab text from the video timestamp you're watching with a single click, turning it into an easily readable highlight.

Advanced AI and ML Punctuation: Utilize state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to automatically punctuate and format the captured text, enhancing readability.

Bookmark and Organize: Bookmark video timestamps, save them alongside their highlighted text, and easily navigate through your saved bookmarks.

Automatic Daily Email Reminders: Get daily email reminders of your bookmarks. Don't lose forget the key insights.

Comprehensive Search: Quickly search and find the highlights you need across all your bookmarks, making it simple to locate relevant information.