Pro Select

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Pro Select

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Pro Select helps you Pronounce,Translate,Wikipedia Page,YouTube Search,Related Images for the selected text.

First pro feature of Pro Select is Pronunciation:
Pronunciation - The way in which a word is pronounced.
"spelling does not determine pronunciation"

Often time we come across a word which is difficult to pronounce in the first go or after many attempts as well. We found ourselves in the same situation as well so we have included Pronunciation as the first feature and it helps you with the exact way to pronounce the select text by you. After using this feature you won't ever face a problem such as how to pronounce a word.

Second pro feature of Pro Select is Translation:

Translation - Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.

After knowing how to pronounce a word the next thing we want to know is what does this word or sentence is called in my native language(Hindi). So to save your time from the selecting the text and opening Google Translate in new tab Pro Select has a Translation feature. You can directly translate the selected text by navigating through Pro Select's Translation feature. This is quite a handy feature for those who wants to look out for translation regularly.

Third pro feature of Pro Select is Wikipedia Page:

Now you are sorted with Pronunciation and Translation but your curiosity about the word even increased and now you want to know more about the word and if you love to read then Wikipedia Page feature of Pro Select will help you to quickly navigate to Wikipedia so that you can read more about the word and develop a deeper understanding about the word.

Fourth pro feature of Pro Select is YouTube Search:

You want to watch videos about the selected word YouTube Search Feature in Pro Select helps you quickly navigate to YouTube and then you can watch YouTube videos about the selected word.

Fifth pro feature of Pro Select is Related Images:

After knowing all above thing about a word now you want to know how does it looks so to help you with that Pro Select's Related Images Search Feature directs you to Google Images so that you can get the visuals of the selected word.

Refer to the video for the tutorial of how to use Pro Select.