Modern JSON formatter and explorer.
Why to use:
- Foldable & filterable & focusable nodes
- (Shift-)Tab navigation
- Show node path on focus & hover
- Keymaps (Vim inspired)
- Clickable links
- Light & dark theme
- Converting JSON
- Screenshot (JSON to image .jpeg)
- Filter nodes (text or RegExp)
- Collapse all nodes
- Expand all nodes
- Save JSON
- Copy JSON
- Copy node
- Copy node path
- Switch formatted & raw data
- Sticky panels
Convert JSON to:
- JSON schema
- Typescript interfaces (.d.ts)
- Golang structs (.go)
h | ArrowLeft - move focus left (parent node)
j | ArrowDown - move focus down (next sibling)
k | ArrowUp - move focus up (previous sibling)
l | ArrowRight - move focus right (child node)
c - collapse all child nodes
e - expand all child nodes
y - copy node
p - copy node path
On large file, better search:
1. Click collapse all
2. Use native browser search (Ctrl+f)
3. Browser will auto expand matched nodes