Link Icon

#4.63 / 40 rate

Link Icon

558 users



Extension Information

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Know where you're going to before clicking on a link.

Displays an icon next to your cursor when hovering a link indicating what the target points to. Will it open a new window, trigger a JavaScript event, display a PDF file or download a program? You will know all of that without having to click on the link.

This extension has an option page that let you select which icons should be displayed.

Currently, it supports the indicators below:
* Windows: New window/tab
* Protocols: ftp://, mailto:, irc://, aim://, file://, magnet:
* Scripts: javascript: links, onclick attribute
* Hosts: Link to Gmail
* File types: Applications, Music, Word Documents, Presentations, Images, Photoshop Images, Java Applets & files, Javascript, JSON, CSS, PDF, ePUB, Registry files, Torrents, Text files, Spreadsheets, Google Chrome Extensions, Archives, User scripts, Videos (including Quicktime, Real)
* Security: Going to a secured webpage, Leaving a secured webpage
* External: Leaving the website (has some limitations)

(The extension can support more file types. If you want one added, please request it here.)