
#4.73 / 11 rate


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The secret ingredient for a older (and better) looking YouTube.

PlayerTube is a free browser extension that is used for editing and changing up the style of the current YouTube player, to a more older (and better) look. PlayerTube has a good amount of features that can be either enabled or disabled from its menu. More than that, users can customize the style of their player and share it across the web for others to use.

Latest update (v1.7.2):
* Quick update to fix an issue with fake bar toggle not working.


Пользователь Google Fs
Пользователь Google Fs

Тема 2006 + customtube с темой 2008 + расширение на возвращение дизлайков + расширение на возвращение аннотации это конечно мощь рекомендую такое сочетание

John Citrus
John Citrus

It's good, but a major flaw is that in my case, it seems that the player is a little too high and therefore when you watch a video a small part of the top sticks out. This then means that you see the video progressing live, which I'm quite sure is not how it went in the past (unless the dev can correct me on this and this was the intention). Even before the bar moves down when watching a video, you see the bar is a little too high and there's a gap between the video and the bar at its bottom. Would be great if there's a fix for it, or if the dev can fix it. EDIT: Indeed, it appears older youtube actually had this feature and I just did not remember after going through footage of it. It seems sadly the advice given on toggling the fake bar does not change anything for me...? But it seems the extension is largely doing its job, so thank you dev.

Kristel mae Sabalero
Kristel mae Sabalero

OMG VERY GREAT! :D But i hope you fix it cuz when i applied the customtube, the end of the video player line is a bit broken, and so are some of the button, even without customtube it's still happening :( but still great!

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