Youtube Music Ratings

#5 / 2 rate

Youtube Music Ratings

64 users


Tomás Raiti

Extension Information

5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star

Supported Languages



Find out which song is the most popular within an album or public playlist based on the community listenings.

See the song's popularity right next to the name!

The extension's settings are super customizable:
- You can pick which scale use to calculate the ratings
- You can pick which emoji or character use to show the results
- It also supports using a personal Youtube v3 API key (under advanced settings).

Last, as a small detail, you can hover over the ratings to see the number of listens each song has.

Original idea comes from the now missed Google Play Music store.


Known bugs:
- If the stars aren't appearing, try opening the extension Settings > Advanced > Restore Selectors. If they still don't appear, please let me know opening a GitHub issue
- Going back in your history feed doesn't re-add the stats
- If a playlist contains over forty-ish elements, Youtube Music might not render all the songs at once, and the extension can't add those ratings (it's just a visual bug, the ones that worked as expected will still be mathematically correct)