Artifical Intelligence based Crypto Fraud Detection on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon. Fraud prediction power is 98%.
You can use AI-based Crypto Fraud Score for any address
● For example, before sending transactions to other addresses, i.e., verifying the address status before sending funds or
● Before receiving funds - you probably do not want to receive the funds from the scam addresses
● It's free to use via
● It available for business in subscription mode via
What is the predictive power of AI-based Crypto Fraud Score?
The current predictive power of AI-based Crypto Fraud Score is 98%. This means the algorithm predicts correctly in 98 cases of 100 fraud. It's not a forensic algorithm based on already listed "bad" addresses or other forensic analytics outputs, but it's a predictive algorithm based on the address interaction patterns.
What data is the AI-Algorithm using?
Crypto Fraud Score is calculated only based on the transaction history. It supports Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain.
How can we predict the future?
Every scam is different; there are unlimited potential scams or frauds. But scammers are using specific interaction patterns stored in their transaction history on the blockchain. Our artificial intelligence modules identify these interaction patterns and forecast the future behaviors of the addresses based on past interaction patterns.
Is there any alternative to the Crypto Fraud Score?
No, there are no other forward-looking tools available.
Many tools are available that do forensic analysis and tell if an address is involved in a scam. I.e., these are the tools to analyze the past.
Or some tools say that some addresses, for example, four hops away, received payments from Tornado. But there are no forward-looking predictive tools available. These are still analyzing existing transactions and not predicting what will happen.
Predictive, forward-looking AI Algorithm
Crypto Fraud Score API is forward-looking. It's predictive analytics based on interaction patterns. It analyses the interaction patterns of the addresses and forecasts the probability that an address will be involved in a scam or fraud in the future.
See more details in "Free Predictive AI-based Crypto Fraud Score launched".
Businesses can use Crypto Fraud Score API in the subscription mode via and implement Continuous Transactions Monitoring with this API.