Copy page URL as plain text

#5 / 3 rate

Copy page URL as plain text

381 users


Dima Pavlenko

Extension Information

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2 star
1 star

Supported Languages



Decodes the page address URI and copies it to clipboard as plain text.

1) Right click anywhere on a page and choose "Copy page URL as plain text" to copy the page URL to clipboard.
2) Click the extension icon in the toolbar to pop-up a dialog box with page URL text selected for copy/edit.

Until October/November 2019 in Google Chrome we could type a single space at the end of the page URL (in the address bar) and then copy the address as plain text. It was very useful for non-English URLs, to share later on social media/send to friends. If the social media didn't render the preview - you could paste the full "gibberish" URL first, let it render the preview and then change the address to the "nice" short link in the native language.

Developing this tiny extension allowed me to make the process even more efficient, by adding a menu option to the mouse right click anywhere on the page, rather than messing with the tiny address bar. Clicking on the extension icon in the toolbar opens a dialog box if you need to edit the address.

If you have an idea for useful extension/mobile app/online tool - feel free to contact me^-^


Mike Winchester
Mike Winchester

Extension should just copy current page plain url without any dialogs. I wanted to replace Copy URL extension that started copying page title along url that nobody asked to add. At least they could add option to turn off. Edit: I correct my rating to 5 stars for context menu option. But you should add same one click on extension copy, just change color of icon or write - copied near.

Amin Mahmudi Moghadam
Amin Mahmudi Moghadam

Very useful. Thank you very much.

g y
g y

Adres bardaki URL adresi kopyalamak için ideal.

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