Email finder by

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Email finder by

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Find email addresses, phone numbers and social accounts from anywhere on the web, with just one click.

Email Finder by gets global customer information accurately, which helps you increase sales revenue through automated marketing and customer management. With over 300,000,000+ customers and leads processed daily, it's perfect for expanding your global customer base.

Plus, with free EDM and CRM features, Email Finder offers a one-stop solution for cross-border marketing, lead conversion, and customer management. You can export customer data and have greater control over your private data. Get access to more high-quality customers and achieve greater business success by using it.

-👉What can it do?

✅🔍Information Acquisition
Capture contacts, email addresses, phone numbers and social media information from Google Pages, Google Images, Google Store, Google Maps, Linkedin and customer websites in one click, saving you a lot of time.

✅🤝key person mining
Open the customer's official website, you can quickly get the key person information of overseas buyers, and efficiently complete customer background investigation and foreign trade customer analysis.

✅👀 Data Duplication Checking
It can help you avoid importing existing customer information, and avoid bothering customers you have cooperated with when you use mass email marketing.

✅📧Mailbox Verification
It will verify the address of the collected mailbox immediately to avoid bounce when sending bulk mail.

✅💖Leads Collection
Clicking "Collect" at the bottom to save this potential information for lead management - not followed up leads, to which you can send e-mail.

✅❌Blacklist Construction
Adding a website blacklist to mark the websites that you think are unintentional, and those websites information will no longer appear.

✅🤝Automatic Marketing
Binding an email account, selecting the development letter template you edited in advance, you can send emails to potential customers in your lead list in batches.

-👉Who is it suitable for?
👨Sales, marketers, job seekers, recruiters, soho, business owners, etc.

- 👉What are its advantages?

✅📊Multi-dimensional data
Version 2.0 not only supports single web page capture, but also multiple web page collection.You don't need to click on the web page one by one, directly on the first page of Google search results, you can collect customer information on all pages with one click.

The powerful multi-page stitching function enables the acquisition of large amounts of data,simply by opening the plug-in on the Google search page, and sliding the mouse wheel down to achieve automatic page turning, scrolling to the bottom, and the plug-in will find the customer's email and URL of all pages.

✅⚙️Dig deeper
The anti-"anti-crawler" technology can tap deeper customer data that is not available to ordinary tools.

✅😍The whole process is free
The entire process, from information collection, customer management, and customer marketing, is free to use.

- 👉What are our customers saying?

“Email, phone and social accounts are all in one go, awesome👍 There are basically no free plug-ins for clue mining, and conscience products are free, which is commendable!”👩‍💼Frida Cao

“It works so well that I use it every day. It's so easy to find emails and phone numbers.”👨‍💼changhong pi

- 👉Thank you very much😚
Before using our web mail collection tool, please be sure to read and agree to search hundreds of millions of privacy policies

If you have any questions, you can leave us a message [email protected] !

Overseas Business, Soujiyi Leads
Look forward to cooperating with you!