Evalute Amazon Reviews Lemur (Earl)

#2.38 / 8 rate

Evalute Amazon Reviews Lemur (Earl)

60 users



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Earl analyzes reviews authenticity on Amazon to help you make better purchase decisions.

How to use:
Browse any Amazon product, Earl app works in the background by analyzing the product reviews content and metadata. Once the analysis is done, a letter grade (A-F) is displayed on the icon where A is for excellent reviews with minimal deception, and F with most reviews being deceptive. Click the icon in order to open the popup window to see detailed analysis reports as well as find suggestions for potential better alternatives.

How it works:
Once you visit any Amazon product page, Earl evaluates the reviews of this product to look for deceptive reviews aimed at giving a wrong image of the true quality of the product. Once the analysis is done Earl letter grades the product's reviews and provides recommendations of potentially better alternatives.

Earl's goal is to protect consumers from fake reviews on Amazon and is designed to be non-invasive helping consumers make the best purchase decisions.

[email protected]


wonder yang
wonder yang

not work, it did not show anything

Jonathan Marsh
Jonathan Marsh

This doesn't seem to work anymore.

Jimmy Setyo
Jimmy Setyo

Good idea and effort, but not accurate. I checked on several product pages that I know for sure they manipulated the reviews, and yet this app gave "A" ratings. Several things that you may want to check. - Check the first few hundred reviews. Products that have fake reviews usually accumulate too many reviews in a short period of time when they first launched the products. That's how those companies work. - Check 4/5 star reviews that has "honest review" keyword. If it's too excessive, you need to be suspicious - Check the 1 star reviews. If too many people found those reviews are not too helpful, be suspicious. That's their tactics to bury bad reviews.

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