Wide GPT

#4.68 / 90 rate

Wide GPT

7,000 users


Juan Biscaia

Extension Information

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Expand ChatGPT's screen instantly with 'Wide GPT' Chrome extension! No clicks needed, free and easy to install. Get more space now!

You'll have more room to see and interact with your content with "Wide GPT," whether you're reading a story, writing code for your next big idea, or talking to AI. This extension is great for people who want to make the most of their workspace and avoid eye strain by not having to constantly scroll horizontally or resize their browser window.

Simple to set up: just add "Wide GPT" to your Chrome browser, and you're good to go! You don't have to click any buttons or do anything else. The extension works in the background without being noticed and instantly makes ChatGPT's screen as big as it can be.

As soon as you start, you'll be able to browse in a bigger and more immersive way.

The best part? You can use "Wide GPT" for free.

Why wait then? Get "Wide GPT" right now and start easily making the most of your screen space!

Release log:
- Fixed the selectors to capture messages and make it wide again.

- Fixed the manifest.json to apply the extension on top of new ChatGPT URL.
- Fixed the selectors to capture the prompt element textarea.

- Fixed manifest.json file to limit content access to https://chat.openai.com/ and cease requesting permission to access content on all websites.

- Enhanced element selector stability to prevent the extension from breaking when CSS classes are modified

- Added popup with preferences to:
- Toggle the primary feature of the extension either inactive or active
- Choose the width of the messages and prompt text input.
- Buy me a coffee button.