#4.05 / 40 rate

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Extension Information

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Resize or crop any photo or image from any website or upload your own image

Upload any image or use photos from websites to easily crop and resize to any dimensions.

* Resize or crop any photo from the web.
* Upload your own photo to resize or crop.
* Auto crop according to social network and other preset sizes.
* Custom define your own crop size.
* Free crop mode allows you to select cropping area on photo and keep image pixel resolution.
* Slider resize allows you to resize the image by percentage.
* Download your image as JPG or PNG.

Preset sizes we support:
* Wallpaper - Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Thumbnail.
* Facebook - Cover photo, Profile photo, Shared image, Shared preview.
* Linkedin - Banner image, Cover image, Profile image, Logo image.
* GooglePlus - Cover image, Profile photo, Shared link.


***** We take your privacy very seriously, so we do not store or upload any information of the images you use. *****
*** Use of Permissions ***
We use the following Permissions to provide you with the needed features required:

activeTab - Access to current active tab and enable the crop icon on images for faster access to crop function
contextMenus - Access to add menu option to crop using right click
storage - Access to storage to save and sync extention status (for showing or hiding the icon on images)

*** So what data do we collect and how do we use it? ***
We collect the following data using Google Analytics:
install, update and uninstall actions and the version
files uploaded types (jpeg / png / etc`...)
cropper changes sizes (300x300, 250x200, etc`...)
files downloaded sizes (300x300, 250x200, etc`...)


מוטי פורשיאן
מוטי פורשיאן

Great and super easy product !! I don't believe that this is totally free , amazing ...

Waller-Hefkó János
Waller-Hefkó János

it's trash it's not an extension, but it's just basically a button that makes you use their website

LFP Citizens Commission
LFP Citizens Commission

I had to reinstall, just to write how much I did not like this extension. I rarely take the time to write reviews, but this product just could not seem to take a simple banner size pic, and turn it into a simple thumbnail that would work in a google or zoom profile. Zoom or Google did not help either. There was no directions, ok, there was some on the webpage before, but none on the actual tool. The directions described on the webpage, were very simple, but the tool did not act as expected, if at all. It was not user-friendly, and kept snapping back to what I did not want. It also, could not do what I wanted to do. It did not seem to have real-time adjustments, so you had to guess, on sizes, adjusting sliders, or picking different things, either did nothing, or made you have to crop again, or move the image to try and fit it in the area, or could not fit it in the area unless you went freestyle. I saw earlier comments about naming, I also had some of those concerns, as the file names go longer, than I could see the differences, in file names, and had to get guess by file size, or the image at the left, or by how many attempts ago, I tried that option. When I uninstalled it, they asked why, and I could not pick more than one reason, so I picked other, and then listed the reasons, even the send feedback button did not work. I had to instead email them my feedback. At least they had an email, and from reading these reviews, looks like they actually care, and try to fix things.I tried other tools also, and they did not work right either. So I guess what I want to do is too difficult for this google platform. Also, the resolutions would get really bad, as I would make the picture smaller, which seemed to be backwards, that the resolution should get worse as you get bigger, because it would at some point pixelate the image, instead of getting sharper, it just got blurrier.

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