Read With Kaffae

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Read With Kaffae

357 users


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Remember what you read. Mindful reading made easy.

Remember more of what you read. Mindful reading made easy.

With Kaffae extension, you easily gain self-awareness of how you read every day. It automatically tracks and analyzes your reading in the background.

It is ideal for people who spend time reading New York Times, BBC, Medium, New Yorker, Wikipedia, and other publishers.

★ Daily Report

You will get a daily update of your reading, every morning when you open a laptop. We forget 80% of what we read unless we have an exposure again. This spaced repetition is the effective way to retain information.

★ Memory Connection

You will get a notification with similar articles you have read in the past - whether that's 3 weeks or 3 months ago. Build new idea in your understanding by building long gone connection.

★ Automatic Link Manager

Your articles are saved automatically. You can quickly find them with 81 automatic categories. You can also use the filter by the time you've spent reading. You don't need to constantly click on "save" bookmarking every time.

★ Article / Book Suggestion

You will have article as well as book suggestion based on your reading. Expand your knowledge from casual reading to deep expertise.

★ Friend Update

You can share your reading activity all at once. Grab a link and share your entire list of daily articles with anyone. Also enjoy the leaderboard within the platform how much you read relatively to others.

Extension Features:

* Daily report to improve your reading habit.
* Realtime reminder of your related articles.
* Personal library to visualize your historical reading.
* Automatic breakdown of your articles into 81 categories.
* A weekly goal for maintaining learning motivation.
* Article discovery based on your reading.
* Connect with friends to exchange reading list.


For technical implementation of how article tracking works, please read this blog post.


rodrigo joordan torres lopez
rodrigo joordan torres lopez

maravillosa herramienta espero nuevas actualizaciones pronto

Omar Monnoo
Omar Monnoo

As a college freshman, this is one of my favourite Chrome Extensions. Topical indexing has improved my retention and helped me draw links between what I read for my classes and what I read in my free time. The thumbnail view is also a really powerful way to go back to articles I have read in the past, which I may not have bookmarked. It would be impossible to find them again through google history. The very fact that it essentially separates denser 'article' reading from the rest of my browsing history is enough to warrant 5 stars. I hope the project continues and am patiently awaiting for an export feature.

Sona Buloyan
Sona Buloyan

Kaffae is one of my favorite extensions on Chrome, as I really enjoy reading articles. I have been using it for about two years. It was greatly improved and become more interesting over time. Very good web design and user menu. This application has good features to monitor my reading pace and preference. Also, it categorizes my reading into the library so I can easily find articles that I want to reread again and safe favorite ones. I like the Discover page as it brings interesting recommendations not only for articles but also for books based on my previous readings. Also, thanks to this extension I create a habit to read more articles and set weekly goals of reading time. I always find interesting articles from my friends and famous journals as it has a Feed page where you can follow people and journals. I have discovered a lot about myself thanks to this product and I recommend it for people who like to spend time reading.

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