Extension Source Download

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Extension Source Download

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Through a toolbar popup, you can download Chrome extension source code in .zip or.crx formats.

You can download the source code for Chrome extensions with the aid of this addon. To add a valid extension URL, open the toolbar popup and enter it in the corresponding input field (top section). You can also find an extension in the Chrome Web Store, open the toolbar popup after finding it, and then navigate there. The input field will be filled with the URL for the currently open tab. The associated extension ID will be extracted and entered in the - Current extension ID - section after the URL has been added. To begin downloading the extension in the.zip or.crx formats, please click the - Download as CRX - or - Download as ZIP - buttons. Please be aware that the toolbar popup's progress bar displays the extension's download status at any given time.

1. Contains a toolbar popup with a field for adding extension URLs.
2. has the ability to download extensions in ZIP and CRX formats.
3. remembers the ID and URL of the last working Chrome extension.
4. available on all operating systems for the Chrome browser.
5. Very lite and easy to use Extension.
6. Free of charge download extension.