IMDB Search

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IMDB Search

618 users


Rob W

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Add 'imdb' keyword to omnibox for searching on IMDB, with immediate search suggestions!

Type "imdb " and you can directly search on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb). While typing, search results are immediately displayed. These search results are identical to the results of the search box at the IMDb homepage.

If you press Enter without choosing a suggestion, the full search result page is shown.

Only movies are suggested (no series or TV shows). If you want an option to also see series or TV shows, contact me and I'll add it.


This extension respects your privacy and only asks for the minimal permissions to operate correctly. All requests to are anonymous (=without cookies) and search results are temporarily cached to avoid unnecessary network requests.

This extension is not affiliated with IMDb. IMDb is a trademark of, Inc.


Version history:
- 28 november 2015 - first release
- 25 march 2018 - Use HTTPS instead of HTTP to connect with IMDB.
- 2 june 2024 - Manifest Version 3 version.