Study Mode

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Study Mode

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A chrome extension to help anyone that wants to enhance their study sessions

This extension is for anyone that on a weekly or daily basis has sits on their computer and opens up the same set of tabs each time they are getting ready to study do some homework, or other tasks that require them to open specific tabs at a certain time each day or week. You open up the extension add the links you want to open by the click of a button the "study mode" button and whenever you submit a link you will be asked to set days and times when the links would open whenever you click "study mode". For example you could be studying leetcode on Monday's and Tuesday's and along with leetcode you always open your favorite lofi playlist. Well, now you just enter the link for leetcode and set the days for Monday and Tuesday then set range of when you'd begin studying those days. If you always want your lofi playlist on YouTube to open no matter the day and time you can just select 'Everyday' instead of submit and it will always be active. Then once you sit down to work you open up your browser click the extension and select 'Study mode' and all links active at those days and times will immediately open. Also I included a nice timer in case you wanted to set timer on the fly.