Similar Product Search on Temu

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Similar Product Search on Temu

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With our plugin, you can easily find products similar to those on Temu across different shopping platforms.

πŸ‘‰ Similar Product Search on Temu is a convenient tool designed for a multi-platform shopping experience. Now, it has added a powerful feature: Image Search. With a right-click menu, you can quickly jump to the THunt site for image search, allowing you to find similar product information across different platforms with just one click.
πŸ’» The plugin runs directly in your browser, without the need for downloading or installing additional software. Even without programming skills, you can easily use this plugin to enhance your shopping efficiency.
πŸ’Ύ The new image search feature allows you to right-click on any image on a supported platform and use the injected menu item to directly jump to the THunt site, enabling quick searches and comparisons to help you make smarter shopping decisions.
Features πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘
The Similar Product Search on Temu plugin offers the following features:
* Injects a one-click redirect button on product detail pages of supported platforms;
* Directs you to the THunt site with one click to search for similar Temu products;
* Allows you to view detailed information about similar products on the THunt site;
* Supports multiple shopping platforms including Etsy, AliExpress, Amazon, Shopify and Temu;
* Enhances shopping efficiency, helping you find the best products.
πŸ”” How to start using it?
Install the plugin and visit the supported shopping platforms;
Browse the product list or detail page you’re interested in;
Click the injected one-click redirect button;
View and compare detailed information about similar products on the THunt site. Simple operation for a more efficient shopping experience!
πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ What can you do with the Similar Product Search on Temu plugin?
* Quickly find products similar to the current item on Temu;
* Compare products across multiple platforms to ensure the best deal;
* Save search time and improve shopping decision efficiency;
* Suitable for all shopping needs, whether personal or business;
* Adds convenience to your shopping experience, enabling a smarter way to shop;
* And more.
Thank you for choosing the Similar Product Search on Temu plugin. Let’s enjoy a smarter and more convenient shopping experience together!


Valikhan Kuzbergenov
Valikhan Kuzbergenov

Not workiong

kushagra kulshrestha
kushagra kulshrestha


Oh God
Oh God

EDITED Review! Creators of this App, please read: For the past couple of weeks, I have not been able to use this tracker because I just see a gray box over the tracking data it used to show on each item's page. As such, it is pretty much useless since it is no longer updating prices on the items I also added to my personal tracked items, either. It's a shame if you are no longer keeping up with it, because this tracker was simply the BEST of ANY tracker. :(. I even emptied / cleared my Cache (and lost some much needed other things) JUST to be sure this worked right ... and it no longer does.

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