Social visual alt text

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Social visual alt text

807 users


Nick DeNardis

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Visually show alternative text of social media images

View the alt text applied to images without the need to inspect each image or use a screen reader.

It makes the alternate text on social media posts visible to sighted users on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more. Human generated alt-text is visible on a blue background, AI-generated alt-text has a maroon background and images without alt text (or have non-specific system-generated alt text, "Image", for example) have a red line under the image.

Options allow for customization of each color and which sites view the alt text.


jessica hallock
jessica hallock

[ Very limited use on Instagram ] Two big problems on Instagram: • For videos & multi-image posts, the app just shows the caption in blue as if it's alt-text. • This app does NOT work for checking specific, individual Instagram posts. Regarding the second: I haven't seen any results outside of the main feed, meaning no alt text indicators when I visit a specific user's Instagram page or open individual posts; I'm not sure how to achieve results like those shown in the example Instagram image (with Foxy the whippet). The only way I was able to view my own posts at all was by "saving" the posts & viewing them in the "saved" feed, which does give the blue-or-maroon results –– but again, the blue bars are just replicating captions, not showing alt-text. Still glad to have something for Twitter –– but given that so many Instagram posts are either videos or contain multiple images, I hope this tool eventually works for those other options!

Miyuki Shimose
Miyuki Shimose

It does not work at the moment.

Uni versum
Uni versum

Thanks for making it working with Mastodon - made my day as visually impaired user without a screenreader. The possibility to adjust font size or space between lines would make it even better especially with longer alt texts for me.

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