Hide X Twitter Elements

#3.36 / 25 rate

Hide X Twitter Elements

1,000 users



Extension Information

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This extension hides specified elements on the X/Twitter website.

The following Element which you chose on the option screen will be hidden after those elements are loaded.
(* After changing the settings, please reload the X/Twitter screen with the F5 key.)

- Logo in top corner
- Home timeline's Title area
- Sidebar Column
- Images with Article Link
- Who to follow in Timeline
- Topics Carousel in Timeline
- Follows(Following&Followers) Counts
- Actions(Retweets, Quotes, Likes, Bookmarks, Views) Counts
- Read From Older button (in Following)
- Ads' Border
- Focus Mode

* When X/Twitter updates the layout of their website, this extension may temporarily stop working.
* It'll take about 3 days to 2 weeks for this extension to catch up, after the author recognized it.
* Note that X/Twitter updates do not occur in all countries at the same time and there is a lag of several days.


Erik Malkavian
Erik Malkavian

Working Great. I can hide the "What's Happening" now and not read that junk and have Peace of Mind when I got Twitter / X

Mark B
Mark B

One huge plus that's not documented is the ability to remove the Explore Beta sidebar that one might see instead of the What's Happening sidebar. If you hide the What's Happening sidebar, the Explore Beta will thankfully disappear. The Explore beta is similar to What's Happening but you can't interact with it or control what it shows by any means. Highly recommend this extension to remove the X aggravations.

Hani Syazlin
Hani Syazlin

It works great! But it also hides my alt accounts when I want to change to a different account. I have to click "Manage accounts" to switch instead of just clicking one of the accounts it listed. EDIT: After the update, I can see my alt accounts now! Thanks! I've also added another star :)

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