Youtube Video Summarizer with Mind Map

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Youtube Video Summarizer with Mind Map

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One click to obtain YouTube video summaries with visualization mind maps.

Unlock the power of visual learning – let gptXcc be your YouTube guide.

Why use it:
At gptXcc, we believe that everyone has the potential to learn and grow, and that access to knowledge should be simple, efficient, and engaging. We are driven by the conviction that visual learning is a powerful tool for understanding complex ideas and retaining information more effectively.

Our mission is to foster a global community of lifelong learners who are excited about acquiring knowledge, developing new skills, and sharing their wisdom with others. We believe that by making learning more efficient and engaging, we can contribute to a world where everyone has the opportunity to grow, succeed, and make a positive impact.

How it work:
The gptXcc extension achieves its purpose by:
1. Integrating seamlessly with YouTube, allowing users to generate mind maps with a single click.
2. Utilizing advanced technology to auto-generate mind maps in just 15 seconds.
3. Providing a clear, organized representation of the video's content, including the structure, topics, people, and timeline.
4. Enabling users to grasp the essential information from lengthy videos in a fraction of the time.

What we provide:
The gptXcc extension is a tool that creates mind maps from YouTube videos, condensing long content into easily digestible formats. For example, it can transform a 2-hour Apple launch event video into a 5-minute mind map, helping users quickly understand the event's key aspects.

v1.0.8 Support Panel On/Off/Hide, on Youtube.
v1.0.4 Fix UI bug and download sync issue
v1.0.4 Support regenerate and download png and txt
v1.0.3 Support mindmap and change language
v1.0.2 support get transcript by different language