Auto Copy

#3.56 / 544 rate

Auto Copy

50,000 users


Jamie Hill

Extension Information

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Automatically copy selected text to the clipboard. Has many configurable options for controlling the behavior.

When text is selected using the mouse it will automatically be copied to the clipboard.

*** Once this extension is installed you must reload any open tabs in order for it to work ***
*** If you change the extension settings any open tabs must be reloaded in order for them to take effect ***

- Notification on copy
- Remove selection on copy
- Enable / disable in text boxes
- Enable / disable in content editable elements
- Paste on middle click
- Use modifier key(s) to enable / disable auto copy
- Use modifier key(s) to copy as a link
- Always copy as a link
- Copy without formatting
- Trim whitespace
- Copy delay
- Clear clipboard
- Include informational comment with optional formatting items
- Use modifier key(s) to enable / disable informational comment
- Blacklist websites to automatically disable the extension
- Works with all URL types

Go to the options screen to configure the features you'd like to use.

- This extension now works all URL types. In order for it to work with file:/// URLs you must check 'Allow access to file URLs' on the Extensions page. Content-scripts are automatically disabled in the Extension Gallery. Therefore, the extension will not work on this page or any page in the Gallery, so please test it on another page.

See website for release notes.


Anjana (from Ventuno)
Anjana (from Ventuno)

had been using this extension for quite some time and got used to it .. and i use clipboard history extension as well.. both these recently crashed.. i thot it was a memory issue.. only recently i noticed that chrome says "This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions." Chrome please reconsider your decision

osirisgothra (osirisgothra)
osirisgothra (osirisgothra)

Thank you! This works perfectly for me. * The fact that it is customize-able is a big plus * Linux (what I use) applications usually copy text when highlighted. This nudges Linux chrome to behave as it should * Saves needless SHIFT-DELETE or CTRL-C actions, saving keyboard life (500 copies is 500 click-drags, not 500 clicks and 1000 keys) cuts workload in half. * May say it doesn't work on recent versions of chrome, but it does. They are planning on taking away the ability to do this, we should all boycott that. * Prevents me from needing to write a script to do this that may not get along with other programs So far, no cons, just pros. You have to edit the setup and reload your tabs before you start using it. This is the proper way IMO since working right off the bat would probably be more exploitable. Keep using! I was surprised how cleanly it works, no delays or anything and very easy to use.

Daniel Grossfeld
Daniel Grossfeld

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