Movie Finder

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Movie Finder

377 users



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Find a quality show on popcorn night by checking ratings and scores.

This extension makes it quick and easy to find the general consensus about a film or a show.

Type in the title and get available IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic scores.

Requires no permissions. Uses the OMDb API. Icon made by Freepik from


Chad Joyce
Chad Joyce

This is becoming one of my go-to favorite chrome extensions when I'm searching for movies and revising my watch list (a process that's becoming insanely difficult considering all the different streaming services lol). Just to be clear, this extension is not perfect...but it's really really GREAT, and that's worth 5 stars when there are so few movie-related extensions that solve my problems. For me, the #1 problem I want somebody to solve is an ability to QUICKLY & EFFICIENTLY LOOK UP ROTTEN TOMATOES ("RT") TOMATOMETER SCORES. This extension mostly solves that problem (I'd say 3 out of 4 times). Here's a couple recommendations I'd THOROUGHLY APPRECIATE that would take this extension to the next level (and seriously, I'd be so grateful you guys!): 1. Sometimes the RT score shows up as "N/A", but that's b/c there are only a few reviews and no RT score yet on the RT website. The Ask: PLEASE INCLUDE A LINK TO THE MOVIE'S ROTTEN TOMATOES WEBPAGE IN THE SEARCH RESULTS (JUST LIKE YOU DO FOR IMDB). This way, if we do get an "N/A", we can quickly click the RT link and go see the few reviews that are available on the movie's RT webpage. I can't stress this enough...Including a link to the movie's Rotten Tomatoes webpage would solve a TON of problems and I'd personally prioritize this recommendation of the others. 2. As far as I can tell, there's no way to search for a movie by incorporating the year the movie was released. This results in only 1 return for a search, and this can be problematic if the title is super generic and there's like a dozen or more other films of the same name (e.g., if I search "Fallen", only the Denzel 1998 movie returns; however, I was searching for the bad 2016 horror movie "Fallen"). The Ask: PLEASE ALLOW US TO SEARCH THE MOVIE WITH THE DATE IN PARENTHESES (E.G., "TITLE (DATE)" ) TO DIFFERENTIATE THE SEARCH AND/OR PROVIDE A "NEXT" ARROW SO WE CAN SHUFFLE THROUGH OTHER TITLES OF THE SAME NAME UNTIL WE FIND THE SPECIFIC TITLE WE'RE LOOKING FOR. 3. This one might be a tougher ask, but the issue is that sometimes the RT score isn't updated in the search results; as in, the RT score returned says "N/A" or "70%", but on the movie's RT webpage it says "85%" (so it's close and still helpful, but not technically accurate). The Ask: PLEASE UPDATE THE ROTTEN TOMATOES TOMATOMETER SCORES MORE FREQUENTLY. I know these are big asks, but I only ask b/c I care, and that's b/c THIS EXTENSION IS FRIGGIN GREAT and has the potential to be a MASTERPIECE if some of these updates can be made. Thanks for making this extension, and please respond if you have any questions as I'd be happy to reply if it would be helpful. Great work you guys and I hope to see further awesome updates in the future, thanks again!

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