Basic Calculator

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Basic Calculator

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Owen Tran

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Basic Calculator Chrome Extension to do simple calculation

Basic Calculator Chrome Extension to do simple calculation

A Basic Calculator is a useful tool for performing basic arithmetic operations, and it can come in handy for a wide range of tasks. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who needs to do some quick calculations, having a Basic Calculator at your fingertips can be a real lifesaver. With the Basic Calculator chrome extension, you can easily perform all your basic calculations right from your browser.

One of the first things you'll notice about this chrome extension is its eye-catching pink theme. The vibrant color is both fun and stylish, making the calculator a pleasure to use. The theme is consistent across the calculator's various functions, giving it a cohesive and polished look. The interface is clean and simple, with large buttons and a clear display that make it easy to read and use.

The Basic Calculator chrome extension offers four basic functionalities: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide. These four operations cover the most common arithmetic tasks, and they're the foundation of many more complex calculations. Each function is easily accessible from the main interface, with a dedicated button for each operation.