Slice - You browse. We pay.

#4.64 / 1,768 rate

Slice - You browse. We pay.

80,000 users


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Take back what belongs to you - monetize your browser, get paid for ads, cash in with Slice.

Add Slice, monetize your browser & get paid for all ad profits.

📣 During the Slice Beta, the user cut is increased to 100%.

🦸 About Slice
Add Slice, monetize your browser & get paid for the ads you see.
As you browse the internet, Slice will display curated non-intrusive ads.
Whenever you see a Slice ad, you receive a monetary reward (Slices).
Earned Slices can be paid out to Paypal, crypto, and a vast range of giftcards.

🔐 Data Protection
Proudly serving you, not your data!
Slice will never monetize or store user data with commercial value.
We’re committed to respecting and protecting data privacy.
Find out more:

🍕 Our Mission
Slice’s mission is to fix internet browsing for everyone.
We help you get your fair Slice of the $455 billion advertising pie.
Our platform aims to make ads fair, rewarding, and profitable for everyone.

💵 Get Paid
Payouts are available via the Lightning network, PayPal & Bitrefill gift cards.

✨ Payout limits are kept as low as possible so you can withdraw any amount, no matter how small.

👪 Our Community
Have some suggestions or want to give us feedback?
Join our Discord with 60k+ members, talk to us! The whole Slice team is eager to hear your opinion.

👨‍💻 Our Beta
While we are working hard to create Slice, you can help!
Let us know your thoughts, report bugs, invite friends,...

✊ It's up to you to help shape tomorrow's fair internet! ✊


Have more questions? Contact us:

• Support:
• Community Discord:
• Website: