Image Aspect Ratio Resize Calculator

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Image Aspect Ratio Resize Calculator

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Find the proportional dimensions of your image when you enlarge or reduce its size.

Calculator for Resizing an Image While Preserving its Aspect Ratio.

Default Current Dimensions:
Enter your Default Current Dimensions in the provided field, and the extension will save them automatically for your next use.

Save Last Input on Current Dimensions:
Say goodbye to repetitive inputs! Our calculator will remember your last used dimensions, making resizing quicker and more efficient.

Copy Buttons:
Copy buttons are perfect for users who prefer alternative methods to copy their resized dimensions.

Preview Sizes:
Preview the sizes based on the dimensions of the images you enter, displayed in pixels.

Adjust with Ease: Utilize the slider to set your desired new dimensions.

Slider Steps:
Fine-tune your resizing precision by customizing the slider steps to match your project's specific requirements.

Dark Theme:
Enjoy a modern, sleek interface with our Dark Theme option, enhancing visual comfort during extended resizing sessions.

Αdditional features:

Measurement Type:
Select the Measurement Type you want to calculate between pixels, inches, and centimeters.

Convert New Values from Inches to cm and Vice Versa:
The conversion to inches or centimeters will also be displayed in the results.

Select an Image File to Get Its Dimensions in Pixels:
Choose an image from your computer, and its dimensions will automatically appear in the current dimensions.

Resize and save the image file you will select
Effortlessly resize and save selected images with just one click.

Percentage Slider:
Use the percentage slider to adjust the size of the new image relative to the original.

Custom List of Current Dimensions:
Save your own list of current dimensions for quick selection in the extension popup.