Scam Broker Alert

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Scam Broker Alert

444 users


Brokerchooser Ltd.


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Don’t get scammed! Instant check on whether BrokerChooser experts rate a website as belonging to a Trusted or Not Trusted broker.

Financial and broker scams are unfortunately everywhere these days, with many people losing a lot of money to such providers every day. That's why it's crucial to know if a website is safe or not before you trust it with your cash.

This is where the BrokerChooser Scam Broker Shield extension helps – if you land on a broker website that is contained in our vast database, you will get an immediate notification on whether you can trust that broker or not. This can help prevent you transferring funds to potential scam providers, or, if you have already sent them money, take steps to try recovering your funds and stop you from suffering any further losses.

Our database is based on our own research and by compiling data from various warning lists published by top-tier global financial regulators, such as the FCA in the UK or the US’s SEC.



Depending on the site you are visiting, you will get a warning pop-up with information about the broker or financial provider behind the site.

We give a clear verdict: TRUSTED or NOT TRUSTED.

- If it is a NOT TRUSTED broker, we will tell you the reason why our experts do not trust them (the main reason is usually a lack of top-quality regulation). You can also go straight to our site to find out more reasons behind the negative verdict, e.g. if the broker is on a warning list of a regulator.

- If it is TRUSTED broker, there several versions of what additional information we provide:
If BrokerChooser has a detailed review about the broker (we have more than 100 reviews), you will see our review score and can check out the review itself via a link.
- If we have not yet reviewed the broker, we give a quick summary on why we trust them, based on how robust its regulator is (top-tier or mid-tier).
- It is also possible that no information (either positive or negative) is available on the website you have landed on. In this case, we advise you to drop us a line and ask for a quick broker check – do not risk your money with unknown, shady providers!

Last updated: Oct 2023


Zahoor Din
Zahoor Din

It is a very useful method for customers who join and become involved in a scammer network dynamic through online entertainment to obtain a sum for trading on a mining framework for bitcoin and other coins via a cryptocurrency or other wallet. It provides an instrument to evaluate and verify the identity of the con artist in order to avoid any value loss. One of these con artists is "AstroFX," who is not endorsed by FCA UK, but he is still active and gets money for trading by using online entertainment networks like courier, Instagram, and wire, among others.

Dani Sallai (Dan)
Dani Sallai (Dan)

Good to have it run in the bg, even if it saves me once in 2 years, that's totally worth it!

Dobos Alpar
Dobos Alpar

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