Shortcuts for Google™

#4.75 / 3,156 rate

Shortcuts for Google™

90,000 users




Extension Information

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Choose from 1000+ Google™ shortcuts to show up as buttons in a space-saving popup

Display all Google™ services as buttons in a space-saving popup next to your address bar. Reach services like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Keep, Google Maps, Google Calendar, and many more in just two clicks from your browser. The extension includes more than 1000 Google services and websites.

Main features

✓ More than 1000 Google™ shortcuts, continuously updated
✓ shortcuts can be sorted and rearranged according to your needs
(take a look at the screenshots)
✓ Support for 3 different icon sizes (16, 32, and 64px)
✓ Add your own custom URL button like a link to Facebook
✓ Change names of services
✓ Integration of GMail this!, Map this!, Bookmark this!, etc.

Please report bugs and requests using the following link and not the comments:


The developer of this extension is not affiliated in any way with Google Inc.
All Google icons and names are a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.
Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are property of their respective owner(s).


The extension is free at the moment, you can buy me a coffee here:

The extension needs access to all of your websites to use the "GMail this" feature, that copies a selected text into a new mail.


Grzegorz Majewski (Grzesimaj lub Giga)
Grzegorz Majewski (Grzesimaj lub Giga)

Display all Google™ services as buttons in a space-saving popup next to your address bar. Reach services like Gmail, Google Reader, Google Maps, Google Calendar, and many more in just two clicks from your browser. The extension includes nearly 300 Google services and websites. Support =================================== Please report bugs and requests using the following link and not the comments: Używacie Open Source niekompatybilne dla Polski GNU KDE Kernel SDK Android 15 Enterprise Kalendarz Google Amazon AWS Beta Experimental.

Jerry Suppan
Jerry Suppan

Thank you for the development of this extension. Being deeply involved in the Google ecodsystem I use this extension frequently on a daily basis. It is very functional and useful for productivity, In particular being resident in japan I need to frequently do on the fly translations and look ups as well as access Gmail accounts. schedules etc. Being resident in japan I often need todo translations and look ups and also to access Gmail. schedules etc. Curiously, what is the difference between G Apps Extension and Shortcuts for Google? I Took note they are both developed by Jeurrisen. They seem to be functionally equivalent , except for difference in ratings. 3.9 versus 4.8. I further took note you also have a 'Black Menu for Google' extension as well also by Jeurissen. Are you marketing the same product via different titles?? Frankly I 'prefer Black menu for Google Because of its support for in place, pull down menus to View information, do searches via Google (increasingly Gemini) or be able to do short translations right in place Without opening a new tab. I did take note that the Google apps extension will embed an icon in each of the Google application pages. whereas the G app Launcher allows for customizing one's own links outside the Google ecosystem. I couple I added and use regularly are a Calculatoria because of a Tape function, and others. Sujggestion : It would be good if you could (would) combine the functionality of these mutliple similar extensions into one almighty, kick butt extension. Again, for myself the default 'go to' extension for me would solely be black menu for Google If it also supported the customized. urls, which is. possible in. the other extension. BTW, I am not a developer or programmer but do have IT background. I had to re-edit my review here After I took note of the multiple extensions from Jeurissen. It does not make sense for me to have multiple extensions install. that Functionally are the same or very similar. For now, I will stick with black menu for Google. As for some of the complainers here giving a one star rating, they should be a bit more conscientious that anomalies and errors do happen during development processes. It would be one thing if a developer Were to do so maliciously and intentionally. But you seem to have been conscientious of the problem and proactive to correct it. Thank you for that. Cheers.

Ahmed Bouassida
Ahmed Bouassida

Great extension, good work , legit better than google app launcher itself

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