Playlist Sorter for YouTube

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Playlist Sorter for YouTube

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Sort YouTube playlist videos alphabetically by title

PLEASE NOTE: this extension supports sorting up to approximately 100 videos in a playlist. The YouTube API is not designed to efficiently sort videos in a playlist. This means the extension must iterate over each individual video, and it will take time, and you may get a 429 or quota error if you attempt to sort a playlist with more than 100 videos.

Imagine, you've just uploaded a bunch of family videos to YouTube. You even put them in a playlist. But when you watch them, they're out of order. Manually reordering all those videos is a huge pain. Luckily, you named them with a year and month prefix. You go to the playlist settings and change the ordering to "Alphabetical". But wait, there is no option to sort alphabetically!

This extension will let you sort the videos in your playlist by title, in ascending or descending order.

YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions.


Adam Hugh
Adam Hugh

This does a good job in general. I had 200 videos and it sorted without any quota error... BUT there's one big bug in the logic that sorts the digits 0-9 as 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0. For example, if I named videos with the following date headers 2023.01.06, 2023.01.09, 2023.11.06, 2023.11.15 and sorted A-Z (smallest to largest), one would expect it to be sorted in the order listed above. However, it is instead sorted 2023.11.15, 2023.11.06, 2023.01.06, 2023.01.09. It's also weird because the zeros are correct as long as they're not the first digit after the period. 10 comes before 11, but 11 comes before 06. It seems like it should be an easy fix but it's super impactful since I'd imagine a lot of people using this extension would want to sort by dates correctly. Now I have a ton of videos that need manual re-sorting since every year starts in October suddenly... If this gets fixed, let me know and I'll update the review accordingly.

Troy D
Troy D

shuffles most playlist but when it came down to the main 2 i needed shuffling it gave an "400: Request contains an invalid argument."

OG Tamago
OG Tamago

Did what the name of the extension is. Nuff said

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