
#3.71 / 58 rate


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Zoom in and out with the right mouse button and left click or wheel.

This is an extension for zooming with the right mouse button and the scroll wheel. Right mouse button + left mouse button snap-zoom functionality is also available.

*** FINALLY *** Chrome offers an official Zoom-API and starting with version 0.2.0, MouseZoom for Chrome is using it. Zooming should now be almost as enjoyable as on Firefox.

In case you're wondering: The "OSD", present in former versions of MouseZoom, has been removed. Instead, Chrome shows an "info bubble" that displays the current zoom level while zooming. Also, Chrome does not support changing the buit-in zoom-levels, so the option for changing those had to be removed as well.



This is one of the greatest & most useful extensions ever, thank you so much for creating it. I've been using this extension for what seems like the last 10 years or more, honestly i'm not exactly sure how long i've been using it for but it seems like forever, I first found the extension on the Firefox store, then later it came to the Chrome store too. I've tried others but none were as easy to use as this one, so I always ended up using Mouse Zoom once again. It did stop working a few times over the years because of Chromes updates that broke compatibility which required the app to be rebuilt each time. But eventually it always came back up. Don't get me wrong the app isn't perfect there are some sites where any type of zoom breaks the page's functionality so Mouse Zoom does too plus unless it changed recently it's always been incompatible with OSX as well. But even so the app has been an enormous help to me over many years & well worth 5 stars for the ease of use i've received from it. But now Mouse Zoom looks like it will soon be removed from the chrome store as yet another update will soon render it incompatible with Chrome once again. So before the update goes live google will be removing the extension from the app store & will be disabling it in chrome too(if it's not already), What a waste, not only for this dev but for 100's of other too. That is unless our favourite dev is willing to rewrite Mouse Zoom once again ;) *crosses fingers* So please, please help us out Mr dev please. If there is a way i'd be willing pay to buy a copy if it would help. "If" you were to rebuild the app then you could maybe add the function to disable mouse zoom on any chosen website. You could do this through the right click context menu. It seems that now even in options there does not seem to be a way to disable a single site from using the extension. Another good function might be the ability to set the zoom level automatically for any given site. Once again you could use the context menu to add any given website and it's desired zoom level to a list, so that the next time you go that site the zoom will be set automatically for you. I surf the net & watch all my TV & movie streaming & gaming through a HDTV and the comfort of my lounge chair which is some 2+ meters away from the HDTV. But without an app like this surfing the web becomes a real pain on a big screen TV. Without the this extension i'd have to find the the keyboard then put it on my lap, then juggle to keep it from falling off my lap, then turn the light on if it's dark(which it usually)fumble around for the right key combo's just to zoom in on a website where the text was to small to read on one section of one part of the screen. *happens a dozens of times a day*. But with this app I just hold down the left mouse button & use the scroll wheel to zoom in or out as required. Also many time even pictures have tiny writing on them & require zooming to see. So please help those of us who have have used & loved this extension for what seems like forever by building a new compatible version, if you could umm pretty please? PS: Also "if" you do rebuild the extension a good idea might be to put a donate function into the extensions options section for those of us like me who love the app & wish to support you monetarily. The "buy the developer a cup of coffee(or two)" type of function seems to work well these days, it's just a thought. At least that way people like me can help out once then buy you another cup of coffee or two again later on, when money's a little easier to come by. Or just sell a licence for the app after a free trail period maybe? Sorry, I love this app & don't want to see it go. Also you could put in a links section as to show people your other apps. People who love one app or extension are much more likely to try out more of your work plus they may in turn donate there too? Anyway Mr dev all the best for the future. kind regards Greg.

Виталий कадеев
Виталий कадеев

Превосходно! Очень радует! Nice, usefull! Very luckxury!

Playa del Carmen
Playa del Carmen

Excelente ayuda para personas con dificultades visuales y para no cansar la vista. Práctica y de fácil menejo

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