Show YouTube Video Upload Date

#4.02 / 131 rate

Show YouTube Video Upload Date

20,000 users


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Show full upload dates for videos and live streams on YouTube instead of "1 year ago", "2 weeks ago", etc.

Also display the upload time, customize the date format and show dates of comments with a $1/mo in-app purchase.

Free and paid version works on all pages:
- Video page description
- Video page sidebar
- Search page
- Search page shorts
- Topic sidebar in search
- Homepage videos
- Homepage shorts
- Subscription page
- Channel page home - featured video
- Channel page home - For You videos
- Channel page home - playlist videos
- Channel page videos
- Channel page video search
- Playlist videos
- Trending pages - Now, Music, Gaming, Films
- End of video - suggested videos
- End of video - video grid

Free and paid features:
- Replace all relative dates with full dates in local format
- Option to show relative date if video was published less than 1 day ago

Paid features:
- Show the time
- Show dates and times of comments
- Custom date and time formats

See website for more information.