SalesForce Helper

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SalesForce Helper

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A Chrome extension for helping to visually prioritize cases in a Lightning SalesForce view

This extension allows Salesforce users to change the color of their view column data based on custom filters.

Functionalities as of 1.0.00:
-JIRA numbers on your SF view are made clickable links, so you don't need to open the case to click on your JIRAs.
-Any cases with a last public update greater than 5 days are marked in red and bold
-Create views from within the extension to color the data in a column on your SF view

Changes as of 1.0.01:
-Changed to support RegEx searches, along with now supporting partial string match instead of full field match
-Hold shift and click to copy any value from the table into the clipboard (Case number, contact, subject, etc) NOTE that this does not currently work on the JIRA field links.

Changes as of 1.0.02:
-Fixed a bug that caused everything in the table after a particular index was deleted to also be deleted. If you deleted index 3, 3 - table.length would be deleted.

Changes as of 1.0.05:
-Added orange coloring for cases with last public comment >= 3 days, and red coloring for >= 5 days (previously was just red color for > 5 days)
-Reduced refresh time for page views to apply faster
-Added an automation to add "Pending Engineering update" as a public comment with no email sent for all cases in "Engineering Escalation" status. Please use with caution- this is a BETA feature. Reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns before using.
-Added initial response timer for SLA metric. Please keep in mind that CRITICAL cases are actually a 15 min SLA, and all other cases are a 30 min timer for initial response.
-Added support for auto-save of each case email that is being typed, in case of accidentl page refresh (use cases for example- If you edit and save case details, or accidently click refresh on a case tab that is opened - either of these actions will delete your entire email if you had one written). Press shift + ctrl + L while inside of the email textarea and a banner message will popup indicating your previous message input into your clipboard

Changes as of 1.0.06:
-Modified Engineering automation so that only cases that have not had any public update already on the current day will have the automated update
-Changed the "Pend Eng" automation button in the extension popup to "Case Update" as it now has been expanded to also update cases that have had no public comment from the current day and are in Customer Action Requested or Awaiting Customer Verification
-When you hover over case comments, you can get a popup with the case comments for that case instead of waiting for slow loading of each case tab
-Fixed issue with Table views and certain functionality only loaded once on initial page load
-Implement check to clear all sessionStorage for emails that are for cases that are not currently opened

Changes as of 1.0.07:
-Fixed issue with case comments popup to get dynamic frawmework uid (fwuid) which is needed to hit this API endpoint on Salesforce

Changes as of 1.0.08:
-Fixed issue with initial comment timer not working correctly in Chrome
-Fixed an issue with adding initial SF table helper view when table is empty, as well as replacing text once all values are removed from the helper view array

Changes as of 1.0.09:
-Fixed an issue with framework UID not getting updated in some cases. Added functionality to detect and re-do case comment fetch if needed
-Changed the highlight on last public comment to exclude "Pending Customer" unless over 8 days old (which should not happen)
-Changed Pending Engineering status update public comments to choose from a random string of 3 responses
-Fixed issue with Critical initial response timer showing 30 min instead of 15
-Fixed an issue with how the coloring of Last Public Comments was shown

Changes as of 1.0.10:
-Added update for cases On Hold >= 3 days with no public comment

Changes as of 1.0.11:
-Fix for update for On Hold cases
-Added update for Pending Release cases >= 3 days with no public comment

Changes as of 1.0.12:
-Fix for SF team moving Case comments to separate tab outside of Feed tab

Changes as of 1.0.12 / 1.0.13:
-Fix for SF team moving Case comments to separate tab outside of Feed tab

Changes as of 1.0.14:
-Fix for new process in SF where Engineering Escalation status was changed to "Engineering Engaged"