Twitch VOD Chat Search

#4.53 / 43 rate

Twitch VOD Chat Search

4,000 users


Andre Bradshaw

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Download Twitch VOD Segments

This extension assists with identifying timestamps on Twitch VODs by providing a tool for searching chat comments within a VOD. The idea is that if we are looking for some topic in a VOD, chat will be talking about it -- so we can find the comments and grab the timestamp off of the comment in the VOD.

This tool supports standard search operators and regular expressions.

Version 2.12 (11 June 2023)
1) bug fixes

Version 2.12 (8 Apr 2023)
1) bug fixes
Known issues:
1) user images are no longer loading due to availability. There may be no solution to this, UI will be updated accordingly in the next major release.

Version 2.11 (9 Dec 2022)
1) Migrated to Manifest Version 3
2) Fixed issues with background process changes at Twitch which broke the code
3) Increased the speed of download
Known issues:
1) user images are no longer loading due to availability.

Version 1.4.1 Updates (13 Feb 2022)
1) added a new view which allows a user to see the chat saturation over time
a) clicking in the timeline will open the VOD at that timestamp.

Version 1.3.1 Updates (17 Dec 2021)
1) added the ability to pull and search the current stream chat.
2) added the ability to download the filtered logs

Version 1.21 Updates (9 Dec 2021)
1) Fixed a change in the website which was causing the application to fail.