Unfollowers for Instagram

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Unfollowers for Instagram

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Check who unfollowed and don't follow you back on Instagram.

V3 Released! All reported bugs are now fixed.

Check who unfollowed and don't follow you back on Instagram.

This is a very light extension that does only two things: provide you a list of people who unfollowed you on Instagram and people who do not follow you back.

For this extension to work, you need to be logged in your Instagram account and it only works if you're in the Instagram browser tab.

► NO THIRD PARTY ACCESS: This extension only uses your local browser session to communicate with Instagram;

► NO SERVER CONNECTION REQUIRED: This extension runs locally and only use local storage, it will never send or store any data in any place that is not your browser;

► NO FOLLOWERS LIMIT: This extension works with any number of followers (altough it maybe slower for profiles with high number of followers);

► NO LOGIN/PASSWORD STORED: This extension does not need to save your login, password or any credentials to work;

► NO PREMIUM FEATURES: All features in this extension are 100% free.