Domain Info

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Domain Info

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View detailed info for any domain name: registration status & dates, WHOIS, DNS records, Name Servers, and more

This extension started as a small project: see domain's expiry date.
In time, more was added, and now the extension can show you who registered the domain, important dates (created or expiry), DNS Records or mentions in the news.

- Shows domain availability: registered, available or for sale
- Show at which registrar the domain is registered
- Important domain dates: registration date, expiry date
- Registrant info (if public): person or company name, location and contact email
- Info about Name Servers
- DNS records: lists all subdomains
- Domain history: timeline of domain changes in WHOIS, DNS or public sales
- Does not track or record browser history. The only info used is the domain name in current tab when extension icon is clicked

Change log:
- v2.3 - Discover more DNS records (subdomains) and wildcard (*) record
- v2.2 - Show friendly message when WHOIS data can't be loaded
- v2.1 - Load info about IPs on mouse hover in DNS Records tab
- v2 - new UI, new & faster API